The young blood arrived in waves: one had been waiting in Berlin for days, some left Strasbourg in the morning. What we had in common is that we had to change four trains to transport our bicycles and our bodies to Fürstenwalde and that we were very enthusiastic to finally join the awesome veterans on the fourth leg of the adventure.
Surely those hardened cyclist would get up and get going at the crack of dawn to avoid the heat? We were mistaken. The trick is, we were explained, to enjoy the ride, so a nice long breakfast is a must. We obeyed and were not sorry at all.
After a somewhat disorganised beginning our route led us through pine forests and along fields of wheat. For some time the only sound we could hear was that of pine cones being catapulted from under our tyres. We were progressing really well, but the temperature was steadily increasing and some wished for relief. The wish was promptly granted in the form of afternoon showers. When a soaked youngblood was wondering whether it was a mistake not to wait for the rain to stop under a roof, a veteran shared with her another piece of wisdom: “At times like this, it is best to continue and to wear as few clothes as possible.” This turned out to be an excellent thought but for a couple of lightings that struck uncomfortably close.
The ninety-kilometre long route was conquered in record time. In fact, four of the team did not find it sufficiently tiring and decided to swim a couple of laps in Luckenwalde swimming pool in order to make some room in their bellies for excellent pasta, pizzas and tiramisu in an Italian restaurant.
Tomorrow, we are leaving this somewhat deserted town for Oranienbaum. Hopefully, another beautiful day, another Brian’s picnic, another swimming pool and another dinner are waiting for us.

Fabio Bolzoni