When you bike all day, every day, for weeks, you see things very differently and you see and appreciate different things. Today the smells were exquisite, as we biked through endless pine forests. The heat intensified an almost Mediterranean atmosphere, pine needles scattered on sand, sand everywhere as soon as you leave the main roads.

The morning was perfect for biking, dry, not too hot, very little traffic on Sunday morning and almost perfect roads allowed us to ride fast, cruising at over 21k/h for most of the morning. We were at 2/3rds of the way by lunch time with time to stop for the occasional photo and experience mass broadcast from the churches’ loudspeakers for all to enjoy.

Lunch by the river, a simple repair job that turned out to be not so simple and delayed our departure. Sometimes things just don’t go as planned.

The last 30 kms turned out to be very different from the morning ride: rough roads, cobble stones, and sand tracks in the forest forcing us off our “push bikes”. It took us 4 hours to reach our final destination in Mierzęcin.

Another exhausting day, only two more days and we will have crossed Poland from East to West!

Comments (2)

  1. Christian.


    Regardez défiler les champs de blé ., les pâturages, les villages , les arbres tout au long de la route , sifflottez des airs joyeux, retrouvez le goût de l ‘ ivresse de vos 15 ans, changez de braquet pour le plaisir, respuez à plein poumons , faites sourire vos équipiers mais n’oubliez pas de pédaler. . La cathédrale se rapproche encore et toujours au fil des heures ! Bonne continuation !

  2. Christian.


    Dans le précédent message , pour les francophones , il fallait lire respirer et non respuer. A quelques lettres près, le ton change. C est comme si on écrivait bonne croûte plutôt que bonne route .!

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